Do you want to rank your website? You have to focus on many factors. All blogger says that, And is good but you also have to focus on the Blog Description, Because it helps you to increase your branding and traffic. Here is a full guide that helps you to write a better description for your blog. Hey future bloggers, Today in this post I am going to cover blog descriptions. Many of you do not take your blog description as serious, But, You know that several of the articles are not ranking on google because they don’t have a perfect blog description and don ‘t use any keyword in their description. Blog or post description is the text which appears SERP before your link. There are basically two types of description – 

  1. Blog Description – This is a description of your homepage which appears below your site link in SERP.
  2. Post Description  – This is a description of your blog post which appears below your blog post link in SERP. Believe me, If you master the description then you can rank easily without off-page

How To Write An Effective Blog Description?

how to write a good blog description, In our post. we always write an optimized blog post description just like we have to write a  blog description for our homepage.  The Homepage description helps you to tell users about your which means which niche are you covering in your blog. If you are using Rank Math Plugin, There is an option that helps you to edit your homepage description easily. 

Here, You can easily add your blog description using any Yoast SEO Plugin.

Tips For Creating How To Write a Blog Description

  1. Explain your website.
  2. Showcase your expertise.
  3. Make some eye catchy descriptions.
  4. Tell me about your brand I think you understand it so let’s move and show some examples of effective blog post descriptions.

Some Examples

You have to know how you can make a good blog description,  So, Here are some blog description examples that help you to get an idea of how to make an eye catchy.

1. BloggingLift

Why it’s good? Because they tell about the topic they covered and also add an eye-catchy line that “earn some money from their blog” which fills curiosity in users to check out this blog.

2. FitnessAbout

Why it’s good? Because they showcase an emotional line that ” Running or jogging is one of the top past times that people choose to do” the user clicks on their blog to see how can lose weight without doing anything.

3. Engadget

Why it’s good? Because they showed how old there and even as proof they added the date which helps to build trust towards the visitors.

4. Yummly

Why it’s good? Because they showcase how they help the user with their food needs.

5. A Broken Backpack

Why it’s good? Because they tell their content that they will only focus on “long-term travel featuring budget travel tips” and many more guides which help the user who wants to travel.

6. Backlinko 

Why it’s good? Because they tell about their blog and add some eye-catching lines which make the user check this blog. They also used the “backlink” keyword which helps their blog to get ranked on this keyword.

7. CashOverFlow

Why it’s good? Because they showcase their expertise by writing ” I am known for my personal finance management skill” and adding some information about their content, I think you got some idea. how to write a blog meta description, Here are such how to write of blog description examples that help you to get an idea about how you can write an eye-catchy and attractive description.

How To Write Effective Blog Post Description?

Writing a blog post title description is very easy and you can easily master it, How? You can use the SEO plugin to edit your description blog post, You have to go to in post editor –

This is called the meta description that shows on Google below your link in SERP. Here, You can see you have to enter your post description blog here so it’s available on search engine result pages easily. Note: You have to give only a sneak peek of your content in the description so that when a user comes across your results so they don’t leave your blog without reading.  With that, you will get only targeted people who are actually interested to get some help. I think you know now how to write a blog post description, But Wait! In a Blog post description, there are two types of descriptions which found easily – 

As you can see in the above image there are two types of blog post descriptions that are available in SERP, But did you know that a long description doesn’t help to increase your ranking but a short description attracts the user and fills the curiosity to check your blog post? So don’t make a long blog meta description because it looks bad in the search engine and is not very effective.

Tips For Impressive Write Blog Post Description

For making a high-converting and powerful blog post description we have to add some things to that because if you don’t have an attractive blog post description or blog description so maybe you are losing some of your traffic. So here are some tips which I personally used to get a boost in CTR and also Ranking – 

  1. Use Main Keyword – You have to add your main keyword in the blog description includes naturally so it’s easy to understand google crawler about your main keyword.
  2. Include Power Words – Power words actually helps you to get more conversions. Using this type of word, Teespring increased its conversion by around 12.7%.
  3. No More Than 160 characters – Don’t make descriptions more than 160 characters because after crossing this character line your description is considered as long as it looks.
  4. Add Call To Action –  Make some call-to-action words to increase the higher chance to get clicks on search engine result pages.
  5. Be Unique – Make your blog post description as unique as can because it makes your blog unique from others.
  6. Use Conversational words – Use words like I and we to interact with your user in the description also.
  7. Use LSI Keywords – Using LSI Keywords in descriptions helps you to rank on them also.
  8. Personally, I am using it and increased my organic traffic by around 57% but don’t add the same keyword because it gives a bad signal to google and you will be hit by a penalty. Pro Tip: Here is the pro tip that I am using to get high ctr –
  9. Go to google and search your main keyword.
  10. Find the ads of that particular keyword.
  11. Try to add some of the LSI keywords of the ads in your post description. So by this, you got some boost in CTR. I think you got an idea about how you can make a powerful blog post description, So let’s move on and find how to optimize it for keywords.

How to Optimize Keyword In Blog Post Description?

For increasing your ranking on search engine result pages you should have to add keywords. You have to add your main keyword naturally and along with this, you can add LSI keywords, Medium, and Long tail keywords. Adding the main keyword naturally in a blog post describing it helps to send a strong signal of relevance to google about your main keyword.

How To Add  Effective Blog Description On Blogger?

I think in my reading uppers portion you got some idea about it but this is for bloggers user who is struggling to add a blog in their blog bloggers. So here is the guide which helps you.

  1. Go to the blogger dashboard and then click on setting

  2. Click on the “Search Preferences” option on the setting option.

  3. Click to Meta Description “On” usually it is off so, On it then you can easily add a blog to the blogger platform. I hope now you get all the information about adding a description in blogger.

Final Conclusion On Blog Description 2023

After reading this, You got an idea that why we no to focus on this,

I have tried to cover every topic which helps you to create a great blog description effectively and also added some blog description examples If you like this amazing post then leave a comment below and tell is this helpful for you or not. {Sharing Is Caring} – If you believe in this then share this article now

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