You can use a set of hearing aids and a soundbar at the same time. For this method, you’ll need to use a signal converter and Bluetooth to connect. With just a few minutes of setup and some extra hardware, you can listen at the same time as audio is playing from the speakers. At this point, you’re probably wondering how you can make this happen. Well, since some hearing aids utilize Bluetooth anyway, you can leverage this to connect without much issue. But how do you do that? Can you use this method for other hearing devices? Read on to learn more!
How To Use a Soundbar and Hearing Aid at the Same Time
If you’ve got a hearing aid, you might be wondering how you can listen to your favorite TV shows without blasting the speakers and annoying your neighbors. Moreover, you might want to watch a movie with everyone else, so you can’t just crank up the sound. So, in these situations, what are you to do? Can you use both a soundbar and a hearing aid at the same time? While it’s definitely possible to do this, it does require a bit of setup beforehand. Moreover, you’ll need to source some specialist equipment to get things done. Lastly, you’ll need to make sure your hearing aid can connect using Bluetooth.
What You’ll Need:
Here’s what you need to get the job done: Luckily, you’ve probably got half of that list already. By that, we mean the TV and the soundbar. But you’ll still have to check to make sure that everything has the right ports required for this job. The most important element of the equation is going to be the audio converter. This is the heart of the whole project. Without one, you won’t get anything connected to each other. Simply, the converter helps you by adding more ports and connections via inputs and outputs. The goal here is to create an additional audio channel so you can then route that via the Bluetooth transmitter to your hearing aids. But how do you adjust all these components into a working solution?
Making it Work:
These are just basic instructions. If they’re giving you a headache, it may be time to call your local electronic appliance expert. They may have the solutions you need to get this process done correctly.
Can You Use a Soundbar and Headphones at the Same Time?
Here’s the thing, Bluetooth is tricky. While it might seem like an easy fix to connect multiple devices onto the same source quite, the reality is much farther from the truth. You might be wondering why this is the case and if anyone has come up with a clever solution. I mean, it seems like a no-brainer kind of idea. If you use an audio converter interface, it is possible to connect Bluetooth headphones and use the soundbar at the same time. You can also accomplish this with a wired connection using the converter. But, if you want to connect both a pair of Bluetooth headphones and your hearing aids to your soundbar, you may be out of luck. While some Bluetooth systems can get around this problem, many don’t have multi-channel support for various devices. In most cases, you can’t have more than one device actively connected to the source at once. This is changing with the advancement of Bluetooth standards, but it has yet to become what we use on a day-to-day basis.
Wrapping Up
When it comes to connecting your hearing aids to a soundbar, it can be done quite easily. You will most likely need to get a hold of some extra pieces of hardware, but overall you won’t need much. Bluetooth and a signal converter are the key elements here. You can also use this method to connect a set of headphones, either wired or Bluetooth. Keep in mind, though; you won’t be able to connect them all that way.