PicsArt is an app available for Android and iOS that uses a variety of editing tools to help you improve your photo skills and create amazing designs and visuals. It allows you to add a professional touch to your photos and make them look exactly how you want them to. When you first launch PicsArt online, you’ll be greeted by a straightforward, user-friendly interface. You can use the built-in camera to take a new photo or open one from your computer. Once you’ve opened a photo, you can begin editing it to perfection. Cropping, rotating, adjusting brightness and contrast, and adding filters and text are all available editing tools in the app. You can use these tools to make your photos look sharper, clearer, and more vibrant. In addition to the editing options, you can also include magical effects. Turn your photos into cartoons, comics, gouache paintings, neon, remove red eyes from photos, etc. Or if you prefer to use the brushes for drawing, paint your photos and share them with the world via Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, Dropbox, Foursquare, Tumblr, Deviart, email, or SMS. Related App: Download ToonMe for PC Free!

How to Download, Install and Use PicsArt on a PC (Desktop, Web Version)

  1. To download the PicsArt installer, go to the PicsArt website ( and select “Download for Windows”.

  2. Open the installer after it has been downloaded, then follow the instructions to install PicsArt on your computer.

  3. Open PicsArt from the start menu or the desktop shortcut after the installation is finished.

  4. Register a new PicsArt account or sign in to an existing one. You can continue as a guest if you don’t want to establish an account.

  5. By selecting the share button, you may also post your altered photo to other social media sites, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more.

  6. To enter the editor mode, select the “Editor” option from the top menu.

  7. Once in the editor, click the “Open” button to open a photo from your PC or click the “Camera” button to take a new photo with your computer’s camera.

  8. Once you’ve opened a photo, you can use the editor’s various editing tools to make changes to it, such as cropping, rotating, adjusting brightness and contrast, adding filters and text, and so on.

  9. When you’re finished editing, click the “Save” button to save your photo to your computer.

  10. By clicking the share button, you can also share your edited photo on various platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and others. Enjoy editing your photos with PicsArt! Also Check: YouCam Perfect for PC: The Most Comprehensive Selfie and Video Enhancer More Posts - Website Follow Me: